What's on at the Centre

The refurbished Community Centre is a wonderful facility in the heart of our community that already offers a range of activities throughout the week. Check out those listed below and contact the organiser of any you are interested in. Alternatively, you might want to start a class or activity at the Centre – in which case contact us

Weekly activities

Monday lunchtime - Awareness Through Movement Feldenkrais class. Starting
with small slow movements done at our own pace, we develop awareness
of our movements.  Contact Joanna 0437 468 064.

On Monday afternoon Margie Law runs small group tutorials for students at primary and secondary school

On Tuesday and Wednesday in the early afternoon Arthritis Tasmania offers Strength Training for Seniors

Tuesday evening and Friday lunchtime is the time for Small Yoga,  focusing on strength, breath, and core. Contact Helen at hayward_helen@bigpond.com for details.

Thursday morning sees the South Hobart Playgroup, for children 0 to 4 years old, operating from the Centre. Playgroup is a great way to meet new people in your local area, make friends and for your kids to interact with other kiddos. See the South Hobart Playgroup Facebook Page for more details.

At Thursday lunchtime - Feldenkrais Fundamentals - a class that uses subtle, surprising move, for a new vitality, ease and freedom of movement. For all ages to enjoy. Call Dany on 0427 787 754

On Thursday evenings a group studying Buddhist philosophy and meditation with Jami Bladel meets at 6pm